Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week One EOC

"Photography," when many people hear that all they think of is just grabbing a camera and taking a simple picture. Yes that is partially true, but photography takes skill, patients, and creativity. Photography probably takes a lot more than those three words, but for me that’s what I believe it all comes down to. You have to have the skill to understand every part, functions, and details about your camera, as well as understanding the concept of lighting. You have to have patients with your clients; patients while taking your pictures so you can capture that right moment, and at the right time. And last but not least, you must be creative when choosing what you want to photograph, how you want to photograph your subject, and how you may want to capture someone’s eye into liking your work. At the moment I am currently attending school for photography. My area of interest in the field of photography, is weddings photography and fashion photography. I am always open to other types of photography. I could never pass up a great opportunity when one is offered or given to me. Opportunities will help me gain a more rounded understanding of all types of photography. My ideal future goal is to show people that there is more than just having a "Kodak" moment. I want to show people through my photos that there is an art in any type of picture you take, and there are reasons for taking a picture a certain way.

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